Monday, September 17, 2007

The Escape Artist

I have a new name for my cat, Buddy. He is now known as 'The Escape Artist." After thirteen years he managed to slip out the door and run away. Normally he is confined to a gated community or what most people would call a fenced-in yard. The fenced-in yard is for the benefit of the dog, but Buddy loves to spend some time out there every morning. I guess a little time out there was not enough for him yesterday because he figured out a way to slip out the gate and spend the whole day and the whole evening outside by himself. This happened on a Sunday morning when we were busy getting ready for church and we just assumed Buddy was in the house, sleeping in one of his out of the way places. We did not discover he was gone until late in the afternoon. Boy, this escape artist is very good at what he does. Well, needless to say, there were many tears and much anguish after we discovered he was gone. But, this story has a happy ending. At 11:30 pm one last check at the back door found Buddy crying to come in. Thank God for answered prayers.

I co-teach Junior Church during the worship service and our lesson yesterday morning was about "The Lost Sheep." How fitting! Read Luke 15:4-7 for the story. The bible says when the man lost one of his sheep he left the ninety-nine and went looking for the lost one. "And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulder and rejoices." It also says there will be joy in heaven over the one who returns. I know the joy I felt when my Buddy returned and he is a cat, (a very beloved cat) so I can only imagine the joy that God must feel when one of his lost children returns. "Today is the day the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it."

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