Monday, September 3, 2007

Ordinary Days

I have come to love ordinary days. To me, an ordinary day is an uneventful day. It is a day when I am able to go into my studio and work. I feel like the luckiest person in the world to be able to do what I love to do knowing it will bring me a sense of fulfilment and happiness that I cannot find anywhere else. I can find pure joy in an ordinary day.

I have not always been at this place of contentment in my life. Many ordinary days have gone by unappreciated. But then, some of those days were spent doing jobs that did not bring me joy and some of those days were spent being unproductive and ungrateful.

And then there have been the eventful days in my life. We all have them. We all experience the ups and downs; the joys and the sorrows; the pain and the disappointments. But those are the days that shape who we are and that help us form a deep appreciation for an ordinary day. So, use this day to enjoy the simple things in life . . . your family, your friends, your work. And appreciate the ability to be able to do the things you need to do. Be grateful for this day. Especially if it is just an ordinary day.

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